Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Workshop
What symbols and personal themes will you incorporate into your small art quilt collages? Houses, leaves, bowls, ladders? Deborah will guide you through exploring and creating shapes and symbols that have personal meaning. Create 5×7” fabric collages highlighting personal symbols using composition templates and inspiring fabrics. Embellish with machine and hand stitching. Learn simple finishing techniques and mount your art quilt collage on mats ready for framing.
Bring Your Own Fabric
six to ten pieces of fabrics approximately 9x10” — or similar scrap sizes Consider picking a focus fabric and building the rest of the fabrics around that with small tone on tone prints. At least one fabric should be dark and one should be light. Choose at least one “pop of color.” Fabrics don’t need to be measured exactly. Large scale multi-color pints can be tricky for this project. If you have a stash of pre-fused fabric, this is a great workshop to use it. Watch this video to help you choose fabric and prepare your supplies. Follow the instructions in this video for fusing your fabrics ahead of time.
six 6 x 8ish inch pieces of batting or felt any color
card stock window (Using an 8.5 x 11” piece of card stock paper, mark a 5x7” rectangle and cut it out, leaving you with a window to help with design decisions.)
Or Purchase a Kit (Scroll down for kit options.)
Kit Includes:
nine pieces of pre-fused fabrics approximately 9x10” Deborah selects fabrics that complement each other and provide lots of options for design decisions.
six 6 x 8ish inch felt bases for your fabric collages
8x10” backing board and plastic sleeve for mounting your finished work
cardstock window
Plus Everyone Needs
iron and ironing surface
parchment paper
embroidery floss and/or perle cotton — A sandwich size plastic bag full of floss will give you lots of options. Choose darks and lights in a variety of colors. If you don’t have embroidery floss in your stash, I suggest bringing 4 to 6 skeins in a variety of colors.
embroidery needle
thimble, needle threader and stitching glasses if you use them regularly
scissors, large and small
rotary cutter, ruler (6x12 is great), small rotary mat
One or two colors of acrylic paint to finish the edges of your art quilt collages
Sponge brush or spouncer for finishing edges
sketchbook, pen and pencil
sewing machine
apron and rubber gloves
Art Quilt Collage: A Creative Journey in Fabric, Paint and Stitching by Deborah Boschert
If you want to mount your small art quilt collages, you’ll need an 8x10 backer board and double sided tape or some other adhesive. (Even a few dots of glue would work.) These plastic sleeves are great for presentation, too.
Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Kits
If your workshop is IN PERSON, Deborah will bring kits with her and you’ll be able to select and pay for a kit on the day of the workshop.
For VIRTUAL workshops, kits must be ordered two full weeks before the date of your workshop. Kits can only be sent to US addresses.
If you live outside the US and would like to order a kit with additional shipping fees, please email Deborah.
If you’d like to order a copy of my book, Art Quilt Collage or Creative Voice workbook, please check out my Etsy shop. (If you order from here and from Etsy on the same day, I’ll combine and refund shipping costs.)
Leafy Teals and Greens: Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Kit
Includes: nine pieces of pre-fused fabrics approximately 9x10 inches, six felt bases for your fabric collages, backing board and plastic sleeve for mounting your finished work, cardstock window for design process and all workshop handouts
$25 + $5 shipping = $30
River Rocks with Natural Colors:
Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Kit
Includes: nine pieces of pre-fused fabrics approximately 9x10 inches, six felt bases for your fabric collages, backing board and plastic sleeve for mounting your finished work, cardstock window for design process and all workshop handouts
$25 + $5 shipping = $30
Speckles with Carnival Colors:
Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Kit
Includes: nine pieces of pre-fused fabrics approximately 9x10 inches, six felt bases for your fabric collages, backing board and plastic sleeve for mounting your finished work, cardstock window for design process and all workshop handouts
$25 + $5 shipping = $30
Warm Florals:
Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Kit
Includes: nine pieces of pre-fused fabrics approximately 9x10 inches, six felt bases for your fabric collages, backing board and plastic sleeve for mounting your finished work, cardstock window for design process and all workshop handouts
$25 + $5 shipping = $30
Teals and Purples:
Personal Symbols for Art Quilt Collage Kit
Includes: nine pieces of pre-fused fabrics approximately 9x10 inches, six felt bases for your fabric collages, backing board and plastic sleeve for mounting your finished work, cardstock window for design process and all workshop handouts
$25 + $5 shipping = $30